
Scoliosis is an abnormal curve in the spine. 

The spine has natural curves in it to help the reduce impact, but those are front to back. The abnormal scoliosis curves are sideways.

Types of Scoliosis Curves

There are several types of scoliotic curves, and they are named for the different areas of the spine that it is located. 

  • Lumbar: lower spine
  • Thoracic: mid spine
  • Thoracolumbar: combination of lower and mid spine

Scoliosis curves can be C or S curves. 

  • C curve: the curve of the spine goes to 1 side 
  • S curve: the curve of the spine goes to 2 sides

Who Gets Scoliosis:

Adolescent girls are more likely to have scoliosis. However, boys can also get it. 

It can be genetic as well, meaning if parent or sibling has it you could be more likely to get it as well.

Scoliosis also occurs in older adults because of a degenerative joint disease and muscle weakness. Yet another reason to be active as an adult.

Treatments for Scoliosis:

Surgery is an option for those with severe cases and experiencing pain, however Physical Therapy and exercise can help reduce the pain without the invasiveness of surgery.

Without surgery, it is not possible to reduce the size of the curve, but it is possible to reduce any pain or discomfort through exercise and Physical Therapy. A person can live comfortably with scoliosis. 

And exercises can help reduce the chance of the curve becoming worse over time. 

One other treatment option is bracing. A turtle shell brace is commonly used to decrease the progression of a curve. 

Exercises for Scoliosis 

Back and core exercises are the key. Check out my core exercises post here. Also living an active lifestyle and trying to have good posture in sitting and standing.

Yoga is a great routine to get in. The stretching and core strengthening done with Yoga is ideal for scoliosis.

Some great yoga stretches are:

  • Cat/Cow
  • Child’s Pose

Even though scoliosis is an abnormal curve in the spine, there is nothing specific that you need to avoid. Can play any sport or do any exercise as long as there is no pain.